The Ultimate Zapper

The Ultimate Zapper
Ken Presner invented The Ultimate Zapper in 1996 inspired by Dr. Hulda Clark. Its 11-feature formula is unique. It creates a power no other zapper matches. It helped him recover from two incurable diseases. He was paralyzed with MS in 1989. He nearly died from Crohn’s disease in 1994. His Recovery Protocol shows he did not recover by accident.
Possible Side Effects
If you are pregnant or becoming pregnant, do not use The Ultimate Zapper. Die-off products from zapping could cross the placenta and enter the fetus. Also, mercury could be mobilized from mother’s silver amalgam fillings and enter the fetus. This could affect the health of your unborn baby.
140 Papourie Road, Diamond Village, San Fernando, Trinidad W.I.
Call or Fax
(868) 653-7844